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  • Township of North Glengarry to Receive Ontario Trillium Grant

    Township of North Glengarry to Receive Ontario Trillium Grant

    Alexandria, March 28, 2022 – In late 2021 Township staff applied to the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Community Building Fund – Capital stream, to install an HVAC system on the arena portion in the Maxville & District Sports Complex. The addition of an HVAC system to this area would increase the use of the facility in the off-season and create a much needed space for recreational activities and events to take place on the cement multi-sports pad in Maxville from April to August.

  • Township of North Glengarry Glengarry Sports Palace Receives Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program Grant

    Alexandria, March 4, 2022 – The Township of North Glengarry is pleased to announce that the Glengarry Sports Palace is the recipient of up to $1,583,103 from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program  grant. These funds will help fund the $2,158,875 capital costs of replacing the Glengarry Sports Palace’s 46-year-old refrigerated floor with a new, more energy-efficient and safer system.

  • Le palais des sports Glengarry du canton de Glengarry nord reçoit une subvention du Programme d'infrastructure Investir dans le Canada

    Alexandria, le 4 mars 2022 – Le Canton de Glengarry nord a le plaisir d'annoncer que le Palais des sports Glengarry recevra jusqu’à 1 583 103 $ en fonds provenant de la subvention du Programme d'infrastructure Investir dans le Canada. Ces fonds aideront à financer les coûts en capital de 2 158 875 $ liés au remplacement du plancher réfrigéré vieux de 46 ans du Palais des sports Glengarry par un nouveau système plus éco-énergétique et plus sécuritaire.

  • Probationary Firefighter Recruitment

    The Township of North Glengarry is currently accepting applications for probationary firefighters. 

    There are two ways you can submit an application:

    1. Online - By completing ans submitting an application right on the Township page.


    2. Download and Print Off - You can download the complete Application and Recruitment Orientation Package and submit to our Fire Admin via email.

  • Public Notice Amending Fees and Charges


    Please note that at the Regular public meeting of the Municipal Council, Monday, February 28, 2022, Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Glengarry proposed to amend the Fees and Charges By-law No. 09-2021.

Contact Us

Township of North Glengarry
3720 County Road 34, R.R. 2
Alexandria, Ontario, K0C 1A0
Phone: 613-525-1110
Fax: 613-525-1649

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