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Garbage & Recycling

North Glengarry recycles and is proud of it! As of January 1, 2025, we will be transitioning to the province's Blue Box Program. The province has contracted Circular Materials to administer provincial recycling programs. Residential property owners will still receive the same collection services, continuing with the collection of different types of recycling materials on alternate weeks.


The provincially mandated Individual Producer Responsibility (IRP) Plan requires that Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (IC&I) properties source their own collection services by January 1, 2025 to ensure that recyclables are disposed of properly. These changes are meant to create a more efficient and effective recycling system, and incentivize producers to use more sustainable packaging. All IC&I property owners within North Glengarry have been notified of these changes. 

The Glen Robertson Landfill is located at 3485 SD&G County Road 23, Glen Robertson.

The Landfill will be closed on July 1 for Canada Day.

Summer hours will begin May 1st and will be Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 8am-4pm

Winter hours will begin on November 1 and will be Wednesday and Saturday from 8am-4pm

  • Only residential dry waste will be accepted
  • Construction/demolition/industrial materials will no longer be accepted

Open a new window to view the list of accepted and rejected items

 Landfill Tipping Fees 

  • $25.00 per m3
  • $10.00 per appliance or large item

as per the fees and charges by-law.

The Provincial Day of Action on Litter is celebrated on the second Tuesday of May each year in Ontario.

We are taking action to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills or becoming litter by bringing awareness to the impacts of waste on our environment and encouraging people to take action at home and in their community to help keep our environment clean and healthy for generations to come.

There are actions we can all take to put litter in its proper place.   

You can do this by:

  • Reducing waste: giving old products new life instead of throwing them away. For example, using old containers for storage or supporting second-hand clothing stores as opposed to buying new.
  • Diverting waste: recycling or composting materials when and where possible to divert waste away from landfills. For example, by using your blue and green bins. When cleaning up litter, make sure you properly separate out recyclables.  
  • Preventing waste and litter: stopping waste before it's created, and before it has the chance to become litter. For example, by choosing to buy goods with less packaging or by bringing a reusable cup to take-out establishments that accept them.
  • Cleaning up litter: helping to keep your community clean by picking up and properly disposing of litter, or by organizing a community litter cleanup for others.   
  • Properly disposing of waste: making sure anything that does belong in the trash, is securely placed in garbage bins to help keep our neighbourhoods clean.

If you want to report littering or illegal dumping in your community you can report littering to your municipality by submitting a complaint through Access E11 

Thank you for helping us to keep our province clean and litter-free!

The Township of North Glengarry is offering a large item pick up service.
Only items that have been requested and paid for online ahead of time will be collected. 

For information regarding fee's and restrictions, please click on the green "online" button below.

The Township encourages residents to dispose of unwanted items in an environmentally responsible manner or to consider reuse/recycle options for items that are not collected at the roadside.

For more information, please contact 613-525-5112 or email


  • $20.00/1st cubic meter
  • $10.00/additional cubic meter

Schedule a Large Item Pick Up

  1. Review our list of accepted items to ensure your item qualifies. 
  2. Schedule and pay for your pickup online
  3. On the day of your appointment (or the evening before), place the large items at the curb. Please ensure all items are at your collection location by 7:00am. Residents can expect collection to be completed within 48hrs of their scheduled appointment.

Accepted Items

  • Baby/ Kids Items
  • Bed/ Mattresses
  • Bikes
  • Cabinets/ Shelves/ Tables
  • Computers/ Electronics
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Hot Water Tank
  • Household Furniture
  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Laundry Appliances
  • Outdoor/ Patio
  • Seating/ Chairs
  • Tires/ Wheels
  • Tools/ Machines

Not Accepted

  • Hazardous Waste material
  • Demolition or home renovation material
  • Glass & mirrors
  • Household food waste
  • Yard waste
  • Vehicles

Residents can drop off household hazardous waste during North Glengarry's annual Household Hazardous Waste Day.

Businesses such as Home Hardware, Best Buy and Staples also accept batteries and other electronic waste. 

Electronic waste recycling locations can be found at

Battery recycling locations can be found at

The City of Cornwall also has recycling and waste disposal programs available. Learn more at

Click to open new windows to download the following documents

Important Documents



Dates to Remember

Annual Household Hazardous Waste Day will be in on Saturday, May 3, 2025. More information can be found here. 

The Spring Leaf and Yard Waste Pick-up will be held on Monday May 5, 2025. More information here

The Fall Leaf and Yard Waste Pick-up will be held on Monday November 3, 2025. More information here

Pitch-in Week is scheduled from April 22 to May 14. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit the garbage and recycling collection route map to see which day your waste will be collected.

Missed pickups need to be directly reported to the contractor so that they are aware of these problems, and can improve their service.

Submit your missed pickup online at The submission also goes to the Township so we can enforce non-performance fees on the contractor if they are at fault and the issue isn’t resolved within 24 hrs.

Let’s work together to hold our waste contractor accountable.

Waste should be set to the curb by 6am on collection days. If your materials are not arranged before the contractor arrives, they will unfortunately be left behind.

It is important to note, the contractor is not required to make additional trips for waste collections that were not at the curb, or to inform the Township about minor routing adjustments such as start time changes for drivers.

The contractor may arrive to pick up your garbage and recycling anywhere from 6:00am to 6:00pm. If your waste has not been collected by 6:00pm, please let us know here

This allows us to share these reports with the contractor more efficiently, and possibly charge them back for service issues.

North Glengarry contracts waste collection to HGC Management Inc. Should you need to reach them, you can call them at 613-933-0202

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